Sunday09 March 2025

Timur Tkachenko and Mykola Kalashnyk inspected the shelter at the recruitment center for new enlistees.

Today, the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Timur Tkachенко, together with the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, Mykola Kalashnykov, conducted an inspection of the enlistment center for military personnel in the Kyiv city and regional recruitment centers.
Тимур Ткаченко и Николай Калашник проверили укрытие центра комплектования новобранцев.

Today, the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Timur Tkachенко, along with the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, Mykola Kalashnyk, conducted an inspection of the enlistment center for military personnel in the Kyiv city and regional recruitment centers.

The inspection was prompted by complaints regarding the unsatisfactory condition of the shelter, which new recruits are supposed to head to during air raid alerts, as reported on social media by Timur Tkachенко.

In particular, last year, funds from the city budget were allocated for the renovation of one of the shelters. Therefore, according to the head of the KMVA, it is essential to understand whether all planned work has been completed and if high-quality repairs have been ensured.

During the inspection, officials observed that one of the two shelters had been well renovated and equipped with modern ventilation systems. It contains everything needed for the comfortable stay of personnel during threats. Additionally, part of the funds was used to improve conditions in the food block, as well as to set up the barracks and administrative buildings.

However, the shelter that people complained about is indeed in poor condition.

“We will be changing this. Besides that, we plan to improve the second barracks for the accommodation of military personnel,” said the head of the KMVA.

Timur Tkachенко emphasized:

“It is important to understand that the conditions encountered by a future soldier at the recruitment center shape their first impression of the military and influence their personal motivation.”
