Wednesday22 January 2025

Drivers in the capital have made it onto the list of the worst traffic rule offenders.

The first month of autumn has been the most "fruitful" in terms of violations.
Столичные водители попали в антирейтинг злостных нарушителей ПДД.

The first month of autumn was the most “fruitful” in terms of violations

In the first nine months of 2024, automated cameras registered over 3.2 million violations of traffic rules. Meanwhile, drivers in the capital ranked among the top three most notorious traffic offenders in the country.

This information was reported by opendatabot.

According to the report, the most frequent fines were issued to drivers in Lviv region (220,161 traffic rule violations), followed by Kyiv with 180,719 imposed penalties and Odesa region with 134,836 fines.

Almost all violations recorded by cameras on the country's roads were related to speeding, with only one percent concerning stopping or driving in public transport lanes. The highest number of violations for the month was recorded in September this year, totaling 520,247 cases.

We remind you that in the capital, there have been the most traffic accidents with casualties reported in the first nine months of this year.