Friday14 March 2025

Ukraine has lost more soldiers than the U.S. did in Vietnam and Korea combined, according to Trump's special envoy.

The U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine, Keith Kellogg, appointed by President Donald Trump, stated that Ukraine's losses in the war against Russia exceed the combined losses of the United States during the Vietnam and Korean Wars.
По словам спецпосланника Трампа, Украина понесла большие потери среди солдат, чем США в ходе войн во Вьетнаме и Корее вместе взятых.

He stated this during a broadcast on Fox News.

According to him, both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war have suffered losses amounting to "hundreds of thousands of casualties." He compared the Ukrainian city of Mariupol — a city of 500,000 that has been "completely destroyed" — to American Denver.

It is worth noting that, according to data from the independent organization Global Security, a total of 47,000 American military personnel died during the 8 years of fighting in Vietnam. Meanwhile, during the Korean War, the U.S. lost about 33,000 soldiers in combat.

This means that Trump's special envoy claims that military losses in Ukraine have exceeded 80,000. Previously, Kellogg stated that Russia's losses since the beginning of the full-scale invasion are 5 times greater than Ukraine's.

However, Trump himself has repeatedly released figures regarding losses among combatants in the war in Ukraine, without citing sources. For instance, in early December 2024, he claimed that Ukraine supposedly "senselessly lost 400,000 soldiers", but by January, he reported figures of 600,000 to 700,000 Ukrainian military fatalities.

Losses of Ukraine and Russia

According to data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of January 24, the Russian army has lost 826,820 individuals killed and wounded throughout the course of the war.

At the same time, President Vladimir Zelensky stated on December 8 that in the full-scale war against Russia, 43,000 Ukrainian servicemen have died. There are also reports of 370,000 instances of assistance provided to the wounded. According to Zelensky, 50% of the injured return to service.

In September 2024, the Wall Street Journal provided an estimate of losses for Russia and Ukraine in the war, based on unofficial counts, including those from Western intelligence. Allegedly, the number of deceased and wounded Ukrainian soldiers has reached nearly half a million. The total losses on both sides amount to approximately one million.

The WSJ estimated the number of deceased Ukrainian soldiers at 80,000 and Russian fatalities at around 200,000. The number of wounded in the Ukrainian army is reportedly about 400,000, with a similar number in the Russian army.

The Economist reported the same number of wounded in the Ukrainian army, but the number of deceased there is said to be between 60,000 and 100,000 military personnel.