Friday07 February 2025

The U.S. will continue funding foreign life-saving programs, according to the State Department.

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio has confirmed that he approved an exemption from the order suspending foreign aid for 90 days, specifically concerning humanitarian programs aimed at saving lives.
США будут продолжать финансирование зарубежных программ по спасению жизней, заявило Госдепартамент.

США продовжать фінансування іноземних програм з порятунку життя — Держдеп

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio confirmed that he has approved exceptions to the order suspending foreign aid for 90 days, specifically concerning humanitarian programs aimed at saving lives.

This information was released on the U.S. State Department's website. Rubio explained that humanitarian aid programs that help save lives should either continue their operations or be restored.

This restoration of funding is temporary, and no new contracts will be established, except in cases where it is necessary to support life-saving programs, he noted.

As previously reported by the Associated Press and the New York Times, Rubio added exceptions to the order that allow continued funding for programs providing essential medicines, medical services, food, shelter, and livelihood assistance.

It was also noted that these exceptions will not apply to programs related to abortions, gender transition surgeries, or diversity initiatives.