Friday07 February 2025

The Defense Procurement Agency will be led by Zhumadilov, while the contract with Bezrukova will not be renewed, according to Umierov.

Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klymenko will be dismissed, along with the Director of the Defense Procurement Agency, Maryna Bezrukova. Arsen Zhumadilov will take over her position. This announcement was made by the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umerov, on Facebook.
Агентством оборонних закупок будет руководить Жумаділов, контракт с Безруковой не будет продлён, сообщил Умєров.

Агенцію оборонних закупівель очолить Жумаділов, контракт з Безруковою не продовжать - Умєров

The Deputy Minister of Defense, Dmytro Klimenko, will be dismissed, along with the Director of the Defense Procurement Agency, Maryna Bezrukova. Arsen Jumadilov will take over her position. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umierov, on Facebook.

"This is the first and last post on the topic of weapon procurement.

The only criterion that the Ministry of Defense sets for the Defense Procurement Agency is to provide the front with all necessary weaponry in a timely and complete manner.

Unfortunately, over the past six months, instead of timely supplying the army with ammunition, we have witnessed political games, contract 'leaks', information 'leaks' (law enforcement will definitely verify these facts), PR of inaction, and failure to meet KPIs by the subordinate enterprise of the Ministry of Defense.

Weapon procurements, which should be confidential during martial law and full-scale war with Russia, have somehow turned into an 'Amazon', where every internet user can see in real-time who is buying what, in what quantities, and from which manufacturers. However, our defenders at the front have not felt the scale of these procurements, which should at least be comparable to the PR in the media.

Read also

Umierov announced the merger of the Defense Procurement Agency and the State Rear Operator

Therefore, I have decided to remove everyone who has failed in this work:

  • I am submitting a proposal to the Cabinet for the dismissal of my deputy — Dmytro Klimenko.
  • The contract with Maryna Bezrukova will not be renewed by the Ministry of Defense.
  • The Ministry of Defense is also recalling two state representatives from the Supervisory Board. This will set a precedent in the history of state corporate governance, where two independent representatives of the Supervisory Board supported the state's position, while the state-appointed representative ignored the recommendations of the governing body.

    The relaunch of the Supervisory Board will take place in the near future.

    Arsen Jumadilov will be appointed as the Director of the Defense Procurement Agency (he heads the State Rear Operator — ed.). This year, the Defense Procurement Agency and the State Rear Operator had the same conditions. One agency completed the work, while the other only created media noise. There has been much talk about the procurement of weapons for the army, but the result is unsatisfactory. We are changing the system so that the results are on the front lines, not in the news," Umierov wrote.

    Агенцію оборонних закупівель очолить Жумаділов, контракт з Безруковою не продовжать - Умєров

    Maryna Bezrukova