Friday07 March 2025

The slain North Korean soldier was found with instructions for capturing prisoners and a New Year's greeting from Kim Jong Un, according to the Washington Post.

A North Korean soldier, who was killed in Russia's Kursk region, was found with instructions for capturing Ukrainian military personnel. He also carried a New Year's greeting from North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
Убитый солдат КНДР держал при себе инструкции по захвату пленных и новогоднее поздравление от Ким Чен Ына, сообщает WP.

The Washington Post reports, citing Ukrainian special operations forces.

According to them, they found a piece of paper on a deceased North Korean soldier, containing 23 phrases printed in Korean with Russian transliteration, including: "resistance is futile," "surrender," and "you are all surrounded."

This suggests that Russia has likely prepared North Korean soldiers for capturing Ukrainian prisoners. Previously, one North Korean soldier, who was taken captive by Ukraine, confirmed that he was trained to capture Ukrainians.

At the same time, other documents found on North Korean soldiers indicate that they killed several Ukrainian soldiers who attempted to surrender. They claimed this angered the Ukrainians and "prolonged the fight." The Wall Street Journal also reports on this.

"Our fighters, who witnessed their comrades falling, ruthlessly killed those [Ukrainians] who tried to surrender," journalists quote an unnamed North Korean army officer who died in battle.

Additionally, Ukrainian military personnel showed journalists handwritten letters on two pages, allegedly from Kim Jong Un, dated December 31 and January 1. It remains unclear whether these letters were sent to the military from Pyongyang or if they were written by the soldiers themselves as their commanders read them aloud.

"You have endured fierce sacrifices and the joys of precious combat victories, accumulated noble combat experience, and invaluable feelings of true brotherhood and patriotism, all so far from your homeland. I don’t even know how to find words to properly encourage you and express gratitude for your dedication and tireless efforts," the letters state, with the author also mentioning that he "misses his comrades."

In another small booklet found with a North Korean soldier, there were handwritten texts of patriotic North Korean poems. In one of them, the author wrote: "My fate is always intertwined with my homeland."

Ukrainian soldiers believe that if North Koreans carry such messages in their pockets during missions, they are much more ideologically motivated than Russian soldiers. Furthermore, they are better equipped and supplied.

One Ukrainian special forces operative remarked that Russia adhered to a mentality of "the best for the guests," preparing their North Korean allies for battle and trying to "show off to the North Koreans."